June 1, 2022
CONTACT Ashlee Niedospial ashlee@narrative-project.com 570.778.5916 Christina Musante cmusante@theglendowergroup.org 475.679.2067
Elm City Communities Unveils New, State-of-the-Art Mill River Crossing Community at Ribbon Cutting Alongside Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and Mayor Justin Elicker, Honors Influential New Haven Leaders with Street Namings
New Haven, CT - Elm City Communities (ECC) and The Glendower Group, alongside Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Mayor Justin Elicker, and others, today unveiled their new, state-of-the-art Mill River Crossing Community during a ribbon cutting at 210 Hamilton Street in New Haven. The ribbon cutting marks the completion of the final phases of the $130.1 million development of the Mill River Community, formerly Farnam Courts (creating 262 units) that includes $71.4 million in residential construction, $22.9 million in new infrastructure and commercial development and $35 million in related soft costs. “It is a celebration. It is a victory in our continued quest to expand our stock of affordable, safe housing and I am so proud to be in this fight with you,” said Congresswoman DeLauro who was recognized during the event with the naming of a new street in the Mill River Community, DeLauro Drive. During the ceremony, Elm City Communities and The Glendower Group recognized key New Haven individuals who played influential roles both in the development of Mill River Crossing as well as expanding affordable housing and access to opportunity more broadly. The park, relocated from the front of the site, remains named after Congresswoman DeLauro’s father, Ted DeLauro, former Alder and longtime advocate for Wooster Square and the City. Others honored with street namings include: Ann Sellers, long-time tenant leader at the former Farnam Courts, Architect Regina Winters who designed the off-site portion of the redevelopment, former ECC/HANH employees Al Bell and Sheila Allen Bell, and former Mayor John DeStefano, Jr. “It is exciting and rewarding for us to know that our new developments offer more than just quality affordable housing for the City of New Haven but also ensures that New Haven stays a viable option and this area remains a great place to live,” said Dr. Karen DuBois-Walton, President, Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven. “It is time to reckon with the historical inequalities that have disproportionately placed low-income communities, often Black and other families of color, in poverty and in under-resourced communities, too often blocked from opportunities,” DuBois-Walton continued. “It is time to recognize what can happen when we challenge those old ways and when we invest in families and ensure that everybody has access to opportunities and to the things that everyone of us have needed to make it.” The Mill River Redevelopment is the latest in a series of renovations and projects from Elm City Communities and The Glendower Group, an instrumentality of ECC, to provide residents with homes that are affordable, high-quality, and beautiful. “This is part of such a larger network of the work that we’re doing on affordable housing, and looking at the city team and partners, there has been so much work that has been done over the last two and a half years and even prior to me taking office,” said Mayor Justin Elicker who gave remarks during the event. Mill River Crossing Phase I had formerly contained the original Farnam Court units demolished under the first phase of the redevelopment and rebuilt in 2016 offering 86 affordable and 8 market rate units. Mill River Phase IIA abuts Mill River Phase 1 and is comprised of the construction of 45 brand new units. Mill River Phase IIA consists of (32) 2-bedrooms, (10) 3-bedrooms, and (3) 4- bedroom units contained within 4 buildings. These are townhouse units, each containing a private outdoor area and market rate amenities. Thirty-six of the units are affordable under the DOH/LIHTC/RAD program and 9 are market rate. Mill River IIB offers 66 brand new units including (32) 2-bedrooms, (28) 3-bedrooms and (6) 4-bedroom units. Fifty-two of the units are affordable under the DOH/LIHTC/RAD program and 14 are market rate. Attendees also heard remarks from Erik Clemons, Chair, Board of Commissioners, Suzanne Piacentini, HUD New England, Nandini Natarajan, CEO, CT Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), Seila Mosquera-Bruno, Commissioner, Department of Housing, Richard Roberts, Principal, Co-Head Acquisitions, Redstone Equity and Brenda Harris, Resident Leader at Mill River Crossing. As part of the redevelopment, The Glendower Group relocated 122 residents during the construction – no small feat when residents work, go to school and have been part of the community where they have resided for years. The Glendower Group’s Relocation Team began moving residents back into their new homes in November 2021. Elm City Communities and The Glendower Group are eager to welcome residents back and anticipate all residents will be in their new homes by June.

Ribbon Cutting for Mill River Crossing

Dr. Karen DuBois-Walton, President, Elm City Communities addresses the attendees.

Erik Clemons, Chair, Board of Commissioners

Ribbon Cutting attendees

The family of Ann Sellers, long-time tenant leader at the former Farnam Courts, accepts photo of street named in honor and recognition of Sellers.

Congresswoman DeLauro shakes the hand of George Allen, nephew of former ECC staff member Sheila Allen Bell who was honored and recognized with a street name. (left) Dr. Karen DuBois-Walton (right)

Bobby Barrett, the great niece of Annie Sellers, poses in new Mill River Crossing apartment.
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About Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven (ECC/HANH) Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven (ECC/HANH) is the public housing agency serving the City of New Haven. We serve over 6,100 families and over 14,000 individuals through our public housing, housing choice voucher and low-income housing tax credit programs. Through our affordable housing programs, residents pay no more than 30% of their income toward their housing expenses. Families are supported in reaching their life goals through a full array of supportive services that lead to the increased income, entrepreneurism, education attainment, homeownership and more. Elm City Communities is committed to expanding access to affordable housing services and to ensuring that these services are available in every community. About The Glendower Group The Glendower Group (Glendower) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation established in November 2001 as an instrumentality to the Elm City Communities / Housing Authority of New Haven (ECC/HANH), located in Connecticut. Glendower is at the forefront of those leading the private sector market in affordable housing. Glendower provides comprehensive and integrated real estate development services specializing in affordable housing. Together, Glendower and ECC/HANH have undertaken an aggressive redevelopment / modernization program allowing for the transformation of our housing portfolio throughout the City of New Haven. Partnering with the City of New Haven, we have been able to close over 10 major redevelopments. Since 2009, Glendower has served as the sole developer or co-developer on 15 major affordable and market rate development projects. The Glendower Group has been awarded over $500 million dollars in redevelopment funds and has redeveloped over 2,500 units. To date, Glendower has efficiently relocated over 2,500 families working in concert with contractors and developers. Glendower’s vision has always been high-quality, innovative, and fiscally sound housing for families. The firm has completed more than $500 million in development projects and has orchestrated successful neighborhood transformations. Glendower has leveraged over $544 million.